16 to 18 of 18 Celebrities That Looks Completely Ugly Without Applying Makeup

16. Olivia Wilde
beautiful picture

Olivia Wilde is one of those women that doesn’t need to apply much makeup to go from gorgeous to drop-dead gorgeous. She looks beautiful without any makeup on and after applying a little makeup, she can work the red carpet events.

17. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is one of those women that seems to put on 100 pounds of makeup before leaving the house.

In some photos she looks rough without makeup on, but then looks fine without it on in others. This would be one of those photos where she looks fine, as Kim is making it work without makeup on.

18. Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift looks pale without makeup on, though she looks so young! You put some makeup on her and it ages her so much, but not in a bad way. Either way, she is a very pretty girl.

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