Kim Kardashian Suggests That Kylie Jenner Has 'Dethroned' Her

If you didn't buy Kim Kardashian or Kylie Jenner's APP (I did not) then you wouldn't have watched their 'exclusive' video chat where they talked about which one of them was wearing the crown. I've been told that this is how it went down:

Kim says: "How do you feel now that you have dethroned me?" and then Kylie shuts it down by saying "it's impossible", to which Kim acts a little relieved and says: "I mean honey, let's be real you got to put in a few years before you actually dethrone me."

Earlier this month each of the Kardashian and Jenner sisters launched their own APP. On the first day, they collectively got 891,340 SUBCRIBERS!

Here's how each of those APP's did individually:
9% KIM

Sooooooo, if Kim's reign isn't over, then it might be pretty soon if Kylie has the highest download percentage! She isn't jealous of her baby sister though! She says: "You guys, this is amazing. I give Kylie all my tricks, I give her all my tips. I give her everything, and more. She is so, like, deserving.

If I would want anyone to follow in my footsteps, anyone to borrow my clothes, anyone to like share my glam team it is Kylie, King Kylie"

I thinks she saying the truth.


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